Monday, February 17, 2020

A Final Romp in the Ice Box

“Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer.” Reads a T-shirt worn by an older woman in the Border Bar at Frostbite Falls. 

Old folks don’t move away from the coldest spot in the lower 48 states to retire in Pasadena or Miami, not even for the winter.  Some do, but you’d not suspect it at the Border Bar on Sunday evening.  

A man came and sat between me and a big bushy man at the bar.  That’s him in the red baseball cap.  

After a friendly brush with the big man, Ray, who knows almost everyone in the bar, opened a little chat with me.  Then he left and danced with half a dozen woman friends, greeting and chatting as he moved among the crowd, before returning to his beer at the bar beside me.  The woman in the white top, dancing with Ray is 93 years old. 

As we got acquainted, he started introducing me as his woman from California.  I smiled and gestured in agreement, playing along with his ruse.  And then he danced with me.  

Ray is 82 and dances with two artificial knees, two artificial hips and pacemaker for his heart.  He walks his dog two or three miles every morning no matter the temperature.

The entertainer, seen in the background of the previous pictures is Pat Porter, age 84.  He sings, plays piano and guitar, manages his back-up recordings and sound system without any help, and does it better than any country performer I know. 

I left Frostbit Falls this morning and drove southwesterly on country roads with falling snow.  As cars came in the opposite direction, they made small blizzards of the powder, but I met so few of them that it didn’t disturb the beauty of this Minnesota winter.  I wore that smile you see in the picture with Ray as I drove, because it seemed needed in the falling snow, and when the snow stopped, it seemed needed to compliment the open white fields and farmhouses where old people live.  I was a child in his arms as we danced.


  1. Ray is my role model--my chiropractor says I need a hip replacement! I am glad he made you smile and you are carrying that thought back with you as you drive through snowy conditions. Take good care of yourself- Joan

    1. Sometimes in a cold place, even a little warmth, a little dance, a smooth snowy field, is all it takes to carry on. Tomorrow I'll drive an almost straight path across part of North Dakota, a small piece of a long journey.

  2. Wow sharon the warmth an comaderie is glowing and dancing in your smile and these photos. Thank you for inspiring Joan and all of us and melting the ice in cold places. By coincidence Rick had his first beer yesterday. Asahi his favorite, at Noda. So we are dancing along with you. Our cousin from Toronto Lindsay who has come to some of your programs at our home was visiting. She and I had red wine...she was happy for a bit of springtime here.

    Love the people filled photo blog trip you are having! Can't wait for the "movie"

    dancing in every "joint"
    his woman from California
    melting icicles
    for good story soup
    all the way home

    1. dancing in the ice box
      with Asahi
      a California woman
      a heron
      dancing with a poem

      and in a month back home
      to the old time rhythm
