Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hot Springs

The National Park in Arkansas called "Hot Springs"
 is like no other.
  “National Old Time Resort”
would be a better name.

We walked along Hot Springs Creek, where steam often rises from warm flowing water, even when the air is near freezing.  Fresh water, heated by magma deep in the earth, rises to emerge from many springs, and the springs feed this unusually warm creek.  Many people come for the hot springs, but I found a Great Blue Heron more interesting.

He waded with his long, skinny legs and stretched his long neck to evaluate me.  Deciding I was little threat, he turned his attention to the water and stalked a fish as I stalked him.  Then in a flash, he had the small fish in his beak and gulped it down.  

Kathy Leonard
Sharon Stalking a Heron

I enjoyed the hunt, the stalking, and found that if a tree blocked the heron’s view of me, I could get very close, then lean slowly into view and get the shot.  I told Kathy that with a few hours practice I could have him eating out of my hand.  

Town folk gather at the watering hole for hot spring water

In the resorts along the “Park” main street, a person can soak privately in hot water that cures diseases and relaxes souls.  This is known from testimonials and much advertising.  Furthermore, the small crustaceans living in mud below the hot water make it healthful to drink.  

Kathy, Carlos and his little dog, Fritz

Kathy Leonard’s house

On a hilltop in the Park, stands a tall tower, which we climbed and looked down on the resort—down on many years of rich and ridiculous, memories of mafia and miracle cures, down on where three friends strolled and talked of important things, considering our good fortunes and soon parting, hoping the Park might pull us together again.    

Two Sharons and a Kathy

Three Friends, Two Angels

She leaves in quiet darkness
as two friends lie sleeping in singular beds
whose wander of place, and hushed dreams
dance between flutter of pale eyelids

Like Dorothy, she longs for home
but knows how to get there without necessary red slippers
to return to her house lovingly built in a New Mexico landscape
among wild turkeys without fences between neighbors

She is a wise woman
who builds bridges out of thoughtful words
invites permission to gather truth, like smooth pebbles
along a lake shore of piney green

She leaves behind two gifts of silvered-belled angels
each angel carries in unbroken hands what is needed

one angel holds a heart
whispers about a longing to be loved
to be held warm and safe in muscular arms
among woods in a rustic cabin

The other angel holds a flower
tells a story of a gypsy search for all that is beautiful
then poems written on a page
in the dinette of a pop up camper  

Three friends form a triangle
feminine, strong
tinker of two silvered angel bells
proclaim…now, now, now is the time

Kathy Leonard
With gratitude to the two Sharons, and the gift of two angel bells

January 29, 2020


  1. Dear Sharon,
    You were a sly and gentle stalker of our friend, a hungry Great Blue Heron. He indeed could have been eating out of your hand. The birds along the Hot Springs Creek Trail were numerous as we saw Red Cardinals,Robins, Crows, Finches, Carolina Chickadees, and a tree full of waiting Black Turkey Vultures. I understand how restorative the practice of regularly being in nature is, and how disconnected I was living in a noisy, artificial environment. Happy Trails, dear friend. Kathy Leonard

    1. Thanks Kathy, for taking me there. The place is magic, and you a magician in what you did for us. I will not forget, and wish for more.

  2. Love your poem Kathy and it reminds us of the beautiful community of our friends, all of us "angels" to one another. It is great to see you and Sharon with our Sharon as great company and reminding us that we are all there for one another.

    Sharon this collab of ours just arrived in the new cherita journal

    coming full circle
    born in the ice (sh)

    she looks down
    and sees a wizard (kaw)

    and knows his truth (sh)

    Sending love into your journey,so beautifull shared with friends!

    1. Not six lines, but I care little for form.

      A boulder conceived in a glacier
      born when her water breaks
      grows to enjoy geology

    2. our cherita appeared like this:

      coming full circle
      born in the ice (sh)

      she looks down
      and sees
      a wizard (kaw)

      and sees his truth (sh)

      you couls also say

      a boulder
      in a glacier

      when her water breaks

      grows to enjoy geology


      it has a more vibrant suspense to it laid out like that...

      good night!

  3. Hi Sharon, how are you? I assume by now you are provable in Minnesota enjoying the freezing weather.
    I wanted to thank you for sharing all theses pictures with us,I certenny want to fallow up your adventurous journey, you are a very interested woman!

    1. Thank you, Unknown, for your kind comment. Do you have a last name?

    2. Yes I have, my last name is Arce, and you know me by Carlos, Kathy's partner, lover and one of her best friend.
      I'm really enjoying seeing the pictures of all the beautiful places you pass along on your journey, and read the comments from your fallowing friends.

    3. It is good to hear from you, Carlos. What a good time we four had in Hot Springs, thanks to you and Kathy! I almost took you for a joker, coming here as "unknown" and acting so friendly. it was great getting to know you. I look forward to more good encounters here on the blog and in the future. All the best to you and Kathy.

  4. That's quite a lovely spiel
    with great photography
    and comments.

    Hot toady in my left hand
    I follow each storied photo
    accompanying each image

    with a sip It's also cold here.
    In a few minutes I'll slip into
    my vibrating heated bed

    and think of you
    in snowy virginal thoughts.

    1. Alex, Giggle. You'd make a blue heron proud.
