Saturday, January 25, 2020

Under Way

~ Snowy peaks west of Flagstaff ~
Invitations to the far north

Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona
such a fine sight to see

The Eagles, 1970's

I’m under way now, and apologize for not writing sooner.  It’s been a time for driving and visiting—in Santa Fe and Pecos, New Mexico.

Friend, Sharon Rizk, has moved to Pecos and built a house there, and wild turkeys come to visit.

On a snowy day I, too, came to visit and recall our times together in Pasadena.  I did a show for several of her friends on the recent “Four Icy Peaks” trip.  Then, in separate cars, we ventured eastward, retracing that Route 66 bike ride of 2017. 

Sharon Rizk at the Pecos River.  It was her idea to join me on this trek.
I imagine her saying to the next thing I reveal or lead her into:
“I told you nothing is wrong.”

We have arrived in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.  Today, will drive to mid-Arkansas and join a mutual friend.  After a few days there, Sharon Rizk will drive home and I will begin the long northward drive to revisit Frostbit Falls, Minnesota.   

If you have followed my trips over the years, you know that Michael Angerman of Corvallis, Oregon, has prepared an interactive map of each trip showing my daily locations.  He has begun one for this trip.  Please see Michael’s Map:  Google Map for Winter 2020


  1. Great to see you two together. Since you have been coming to the last two Friday meetings "in spirit" we did not worry here.

    first visitor
    wild woman from the west
    stays for wine

    1. two wild women
      arrive in Hot Springs
      three have wine

  2. I love to follow your trips, commentary and photographs. I love how you live your life.
    I also enjoy posts from Kathabla who has the best name and I hope to meet some day.
    Safe journeys

    1. Kathleen, Good to see you again and have you join me in this adventure

  3. Love that snow mountain range and the photos of people and you!

  4. I always love following your journeys! Beautiful poem.

    1. Afton, I appreciate your interest and hope to see you. It's been a long time.

  5. Rose Lazu wrote: Hi Sharon. Am enjoying reading about your adventures. Nice pic of the snowy peaks at Flagstaff! -Rose

    Thanks Rose, and sorry your comment got deleted. Welcome aboard - Sharon
