Monday, January 6, 2020

I Shall Return

All Pictures are from International Falls, MN, winter of  2009-10

Counterclockwise and counter-conventional from warm to cold to warm again, as shown on the map, I will revisit a cold town of ten years ago.  Migrating, not as snow-birds, a sun-bird moves against advice, to another kind of warm.  

Not totally a lone jeep journey to the coldest place in the lower forty-eight states, I’ll visit friends along the way, in Pecos, Hot Springs, and the middle of Iowa.  I’ll revisit part of that 2017 solo bicycle trip along Route 66.  In Iowa, where my good friend who left us two years ago grew up, I hope to see the farm, the fields he tilled with a horse, and meet his people who didn’t understand why he left. 

Then, after two or three weeks at International Falls, I’ll head west through the northern states back to Port Angeles, Washington, where many of you joined me to four icy peaks last fall, three of which eluded us.  On this visit, snow will be thirty feet deep if it’s an average year.  I want to retrace at least one of those hikes. 
Finally, on the southward journey home, friends in Corvallis, Oregon, just might let me rest. 

You are welcome to join vicariously and digitally and to comment on the blog or by email.  I look forward to your company.  The blog now accepts comments using any device; I’ve been assured of it.  If you find that untrue, tell me, and we shall see heads roll from those who guaranteed it. 


  1. Enjoy your travels, Sharon. And as always - hoping we can meet on one of mine.
